A review by blithesquesttoread
Hard Drive by Shae Connor


I really need to get to writing reviews because then I end up missing out on books that deserve a lot of hype :'

Trigger Warnings: Panic attacks, accidental outing, alcohol consumption, grief, mental illness (anxiety), explicit sex, bullying, fatphobia, past mentions of - abandonment, addiction, alcoholism, child abused and drug use.

Hard Drive by Shae Connor is a sight to behold. To give a short description - Annie is an electronics everything genius who you can find the most in her dorm room fixing broken stuff for her fellow college peers. She is coming to terms with her being bisexual and is trying her best to contain her crush on college's ace softball player Eve Frederick, who's rumored to enjoy only casual hookups.

Okay first thing I liked about it? It wasn't slow burn. As much as I enjoy slow burn, the thrill about finding out my cutesy characters being upright about their crush on each other while being iffy about it so satisfying oh my. The setting itself was really amazing! The fact that it fits the trope of "The nerd and the jock (aka softball player)" was refreshing on so many levels. The main characters seemed really realistic and it was also good to see how anxiety was represented in the book. As for the plot, it was equally engaging. Annie was an amazing narrator and seeing the story from her perspective evoked a sense of empathy in me because she was very empathetic in general.

I really liked the character development as well as how the book dealt with important topics. One such was enjoying porn, and engaging in sexual practices by oneself which isn't much talked about in general. Oh did I mention the book has good smut scenes? No? Well, I assure you they are really amazing! I loved how consent, interaction and communication was maturely and naturally present in the story. Eve and Annie were really amazing to see - whether it was them being in a romantic and sexual relationship, or them navigating through their personal stuff on their own and coming to terms with their identity. I reallllyyy recommend this book! And omg I am soo excited to read the first book in this series (they are unrelated in general however characters from book 1 are present here)!

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for providing an arc for this book!