A review by hank
The Algebraist by Iain M. Banks


Over a month to read! I loved this book, I found the universe intriguing, the Ulubis solar system fascinating and the few races we learned about equally interesting. The time of year and writing style contributed to the slowness of my read. Bank's writing is dense without much punctuation which forced me to slow down a bit.

Alien secrets, societies attempting to remain in control and relevant, roaming around gas giants, looney alien characters, AIs. A perfect sci-fi novel. The Dweller's treatment of their children was equally horrifying and hysterical. I honestly didn't know which side Aun Liss was going to land on until the very end. Definitely re-readable, I felt there was much I missed and would have enjoyed. The novel really is packed with fun items to think about. 4 stars instead of 5 because it was difficult to get through parts. Bank's doesn't need to stuff THAT much into every sentence.