A review by thepictureofromance
Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell

funny informative fast-paced


An absolutely fantastic book!!

I picked up Cultish initially as a work-read. As someone who works in social media (and the child of an English teacher with a passion for linguistics) I was already fairly knowledgable about the cult-esque creators in the space and was really interested in reading the perspective of someone who isn't so deeply immersed in the social media space. 

What I didn't expect was to end up reading this book outside of my working hours because I was enjoying it so much!!

It was insightful, engaging and surprisingly funny read. I was captured from the first chapter and learnt so much more than I expected to going in. I've actually started noticing 'thought terminating cliches' and other Cultish language so much throughout my life and my work.

Cultish is definitely a book I'll be going back to time and time again. I'm also going to recommend it as the next read for my book club of social media professionals!!