A review by scarlet_frost
The Other by Thomas Tryon


Wow, what can I say about this thriller by Thomas Tryon?

The Other is not scary in a "in your face" kind of way. Tryon sweeps you into a small quiet almost fantasy like estate with a grieving family and sweet, lovable Niles Perry the protagonist.

The language used in this book is beautiful in it's own sense. Tryon has a way of describing situations with such complexity, it is almost poetic. For someone who likes to read about scenery and enjoys a characters musings about situations, this book will be captivating and full of artistry. For someone who is more interested in dialog and an easy to follow plot, this book will be a challenge to get through.

Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and read it in a handful of sittings because once I picked it up I couldn't put it down. I promise if you can read to page 190 that is where things start to get twisted and creepy as all hell. I personally love a book with some interesting back story/ lore and I loved Tryon's use of imagery with the Peregrine ring, the Angel of the Brighter day, and of course Ada's game. Read this if you're looking for something to challenge your mind intellectually and get a good case of the goosebumps when you put it down.