A review by carleneinspired
Chills by Mary SanGiovanni


ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

Colby detectives are on the scene of a gruesome death, made more alarming by unseasonably cold weather and the rapid snowfall blanketing the town. There's whispers of cult connections and as the snow piles up, so too do the bodies. Even detective Jack Glazier must acknowledge that something is not right in the small town and his entire force, as well as a cult professional, are on the case. The cult worships something far darker than Jack can imagine though and the haunting things they begin to do to the residents of Colby will terrify anyone.

Action-packed and gory, Chills is a bizarre horror novel with both occult and supernatural creatures present. I struggled to connect with the characters, but despite that I couldn't walk away from the terrifying story Mary SanGiovanni presented. The snow, cold weather, and increasingly awful deaths serve to create a truly chilling setting. I felt like I was there, freezing cold, cut off from the world, and terrified for my life. The cult practices, explained so well by the character of Kathy, made it even more haunting. I think horror fans will find themselves enjoying the fast-paced story, it's unique monsters and build up a true treat.