A review by ravenfable
Can't Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne


3.5-ish. I really dislike leaving neutral/negative reviews, I know a lot of hard work goes into creating a story, but this was a bit of a "eh" read for me. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't really the cozy I was expecting.
Good things:
The start was brilliant. Great set up of characters and situations. I also really like Reyna as a character.

A few "Eh" things:
I could not get behind Kianthe's neediness, or the frequent callout about whatever action one or the other character was doing being sexy. I felt like there was some weird timing for the suggestiveness between the two individuals, and reading the phrase "that was hot" in a 'ye olde times' fantasy was a bit eye roll inducing.

Additionally, I feel like the coziest theme of the book (building a tea and book shop) was kind rushed through. There were some time jumps during the building/setup stage that I thought were a missed opportunity.
This may be the perfect cozy for some, but it missed the mark for me, personally.
I do like seeing more stories in this genre, so I hope to see the series continue on past the planned second book.