A review by booksuperpower
HOT Ice by Lynn Raye Harris


Hot Ice by Lynn Raye Harris is a 2015 publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the author and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

We've all had those times in our lives of “when it rains, if pours”. That where Grace Campbell finds herself . For starters her top secret work creating super viruses is on hold after it becomes clear she is the potential target of terrorist who would love to get their hands on her lab work.
Her father is a senator who is also a presidential hopeful, which has now placed Grace in the spotlight more than ever, and has the media hot on her trail.
To top all of that off, her father has insisted she be placed on 24/7 guard. If that weren't bad enough, she gets the oh so charming and foul mouthed, sexist Garrett Spencer who has made it abundantly clear he is not impressed with her or his new assignment, which is beneath him.

Garrett Spencer is HOT alright... hot under the collar. He can't believe he has to babysit the rich and spoiled rotten daughter of the senator. But, he intends to do this job no matter what.. even if the high and mighty Grace Campbell would rather not have him around, which she has made abundantly clear that she doesn't.

But, sparks fly as the pair spend more time together. Although Garrett repeatedly reminds Grace they can't not get involved, the shy and socially awkward Grace seems to come out of her shell around Garrett, and just might have other plans....

I did not get off to a good start with Garrett Spenser. Why? Military men use certain “colorful metaphors” that might make your ears burn, but when on the job they are disciplined and professional. Garret was not. He slung expletives at the daughter of a senator, only moments after meeting her. No matter how snooty he thought she was, he did not put the military in the best light. Cursing AT women, as opposed to cursing in general, is something I am sort of sensitive about. I thought he came on way too strong, and was scary.

But, it wasn't long before he stepped up and did something so cool for Grace, something so hot, and so funny, I knew he was just a big teddy bear deep down. Once I got the whole story about his personal life, I did finally start to warm up to him.

I do wish the mystery part of the story had been more fleshed out and the suspense level more tense. I have said many times that RS is kind of tricky, because it can lean too heavy in one area or the other. In this case the romance was the main focus and the suspense level was way down on the totem pole.

I did enjoy the story for the most part and Lynn Raye Harris has been one of my “automatic read” authors for the past couple of years. If you love sexy alpha military guys, super hot and spicy romance, with a slice of danger on the side, then you should definitely check into this series. ( These can be read as stand alone novels, but I strongly recommend you read them all.) Overall this one gets a 3.5 rounded to 4 .