A review by jbrooxd
Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge by Grace Ellis


[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

This one was hard to enjoy. Lois comes across as obnoxious and exhausting. I know it's supposed to be earnestness, but it crosses over the line for me. There are some good friendship issues to address, though, thanks to Lois - listening, bossiness, the give-and-take required in good friendships, etc. I enjoyed the things Lois learns about journalism in this - like let the facts drive the story rather than decide for yourself what the story is and try to make the facts fit. My favorite character was the mentor/journalist Henrietta ("Henri"). She was fantastic and really helped make the story more enjoyable.

Kids who love graphic novels and DC stories will want to pick this one up. And I think there's a lot here to talk about, especially with Lois and the friendship issues. For readers looking for more Lois stories, I HIGHLY recommend the Lois Lane series for teens by Gwenda Bond.