A review by amyiw
Heart of Atlantis by Alyssa Day


It is hard to give this 3 stars because it slightly better than that but not a 4 star. I liked it, and at some parts, I really liked it. There were parts that had me laughing and it was fun to see all the past characters. The problem is that at some parts I was rolling my eyes in irritation. With the amount of irritation, I just couldn't bring myself to up the stars to 4.

Quinn and Alaric have been fighting their attraction to one another for the last 7 books and this is them finally coming together. The plot didn't make sense at one point with the baddie calling out Quinn. There was never any good explanation for this other than her being the leader of the resistance. If Anubisa had put him up to it, I would've understood better. Still, getting over the coincidence of this, it still had some big plot holes. Then on top of that the position Quinn puts herself in, was just stupid.
Spoiler and this doesn't happen just once. She goes right to the demon kin that already bested Alaric and Ven together in one encounter. Then later she goes to him and Alaric attacks right when he grabs her and teleports, this was a little much since Alaric would've never let her near enough before he could strike. Then the ending was drawn out and over the top during the battle scene.
These three scenes, even a couple hours after finishing, leave me a little irritated.

I know that there had to be a plot with some conflict but I would've hoped that it was with only Anubisa and not with a new baddie plus Anubisa. And then she could have had a subplot with Jack and the other characters that was more drawn out
Spoilerand not forced quickly at the end.
I didn't dislike the book, I just only liked it and mainly for Alaric and Quinn getting together
Spoiler This also seem quite near the end and piled on all at once
. And I liked revisiting all the other, as brief as it is.

If you are a fan of the series, it is worth reading.