A review by rlbrock
Cold City by F. Paul Wilson


I have to say I was excited to have the old Jack back, the one before he becomes completely mired in the Secret History of the World. Turns out, not so much. While he's clueless, he's completed mired in it already and, thus, so is the reader. Still...I've always felt that Jack was an exceptionally three-dimensional character for a thriller and Wilson continues to do an excellent job in the backstory showing how he got the way he is. A great deal falls to luck or coincidence, but because of the whole Heir thing, you can assume a guiding hand. I also particularly enjoyed meeting Abe -- unlike Jack, he often struck me and relentlessly flat, less so here. The plot began slowly, but as with Jack novels of old, picked up to become compelling; however, this is not a self-contained story. I understand there are to be three of these prequels; my guess now is that they'll all run together in one over-arching story.