A review by amberreadsalot
How to Win a Wallflower by Samara Parish


Having read the previous books in the Rebels with a Cause series, I was happy to receive an ARC of this, the third installment. (All opinions herein are entirely my own.) I admittedly dithered a bit before actually reading the book as I don't love stories where one of the main characters is already involved with/engaged to another. Happily, that did not end up being a huge focus of this book. Not to mention the "fiancee" is a pretty terrible person.

This is the story of Charlotte and her brother's best friend, John, back in London an unexpected viscount. Charlotte has loved John for years, but her brother opposes any match between them, believing John's quiet introversion and Charlotte's love of people make them a bad match. A solid reason for opposition, if you ask me. Charlotte is determined to prove her brother wrong, and brings John along for a fun, slightly dangerous ride. Along the way, the duo find commonality and all the ways they complement one another as they seek a HEA.

Charlotte has a lot of freedom in this book, more than I think she would have actually experienced in the time period in which this story is set. Her ducal brother seems alternatively overprotective and clueless. I also am always amused when stories throw a mask on a character and somehow no one knows who s/he is. Charlotte is definitely impulsive and somehow manages to be both selfless and selfish, though by the end of the book she settles into herself rather admirably. John will never be the life of a party but he does recognize that Charlotte brings out a lighter and more sociable side that he grows to enjoy.

The road to happiness for Charlotte and John is definitely tested. While the villain of the story is unexpected, it is an interesting twist, as is how the villain is ultimately vanquished. I give this book 4.5 stars, rounded to 5. I look forward to hopefully reading Will's story next!