A review by booksatdawn
Buried Heart by Kate Elliott


Buried Heart by Kate Elliott is the finale to the Court of Fives Trilogy. I can’t begin to tell you how amazing this series was and that you should go pick it up right away! I was blown away with the world Elliott built and expanded on over the course of this journey.

For the third book, the story picks up with the political turmoil between the Saroese and the Efean people. Jessamy our main protagonist is on the run with her family to escape the grasp of Lord Gargaron. Safety is a major priority as things begin to fall to pieces for the royal family and Jessamy leading the rebellion!

Elliott weaves a masterful tale filled with drama, political strife, war, and intricate plot-lines. War is heavy in this one. I felt like there was a battle to be won or conquered in almost every chapter.

Jessamy still goes down as one of my favorite heroines! She is so head strong, confidant and smart. The way she carries herself throughout the whole story was amazing to read. Even when she is knocked down to the dirtiest mines of Efea, she still manages to keep her spirits up. She breathes hope into her people and gives them the strength to fight back.

The ending was so satisfying. Things will never be perfect and the bigger story is far from over. Though the trilogy is over, the characters will live on and still fight for their rights and privileges. Buried Heart was everything I could have asked for!