A review by bibliophile90
Rise by Dylan Allen


**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review**


"I think you might be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I feel tormented by it."

Some stories don't need all the bells and whistles to make it great. Sometimes the story is told in such a way that the simplicity of it with complex characters makes it perfect. Sometimes you don't need all the extra unnecessary drama or plot twists, sometimes the story is amazing the way it is. Rise was definitely a book that didn't need all of this. First of all this is the debut novel of Dylan Allen and WOW did she blow me away. She did it in a very subtle manner, the story and characters sneaked their way into my heart.

The pacing of the story was phenomenal. The author really took her time to tell a story. There was no rushing through or stretching of any scenes. This made it very easy for me to connect with the characters. Also the growth of the main characters Simon and Addie as a 'couple' felt very organic, it felt real. They both were flawed and were aware of it. They had their ups and downs but in a way that made sense. I get annoyed pretty fast in books when characters act a certain way that doesn't make sense, but that was definitely NOT the case for Rise. Everything they did they did with the best intentions in mind. They both went through some very heartbreaking things in the past and that showed in their way of living and actions in the present.

Also LOVED that they both Simon and Addie were biracial, we need more characters of color with different cultural backgrounds in books. I was born to immigrant parents so I know how it feels to be judged or looked down upon because of my background. The author took her time to include this in the book as well, which is in my opinion is very important (especially in these times). Simone and Addie were amazing characters, they were both very smart and driven. But also caring and protective. They were adults and acted in a very mature way. Like you see I haven't really touched upon the plot of the story, I don't think you need to know more than what is told in the blurb. I highly recommend you guys to give this book a try. It is one of my favorites of the year and you know how picky I am with my books.