A review by krys
Save the Humans by Rob Stewart


I got this book once I heard the news of his death. I first heard about Rob Stewart when Revolution was released (2012 I believe?). I wish I had watched the movie and been more involved with his work while he was still alive. He leave a great legacy which I hope will live on through who he inspired.

That being said, this book was an interesting insight to his life, and how he got where he was at that point. It was inspiring to see how he used his power and knowledge for good with the optimism I certainly look up to. This book was not well-written (with regards to grammar mistakes), but the story it told was worth it.

Some parts of the story pained me to read
such as when he said "when I have kids..." when we know the unfortunate future. Or when he was describing his heartbreak pulling at the side of the road to sob and cry- a human experience I applaud him for disclosing especially as a white, heterosexual male, breaking down the 'masculine' perspective.

You can tell he really wants you to love the ocean as he did, although some close calls made me feel uneasy (rebreather troubles, almost getting bent, the usual diving horror).

It pains me that he left the world too soon, but he died doing what he loved, and I hope the world follows to fight for what he sacrificed his life for to make the world a better place.