A review by kcsunshine25
One is a Promise by Pam Godwin


Spectacular. I need gin and a dark room where I can rock and occasionally lick windows! Better still I need my mum to come and hold me and play with my hair.

I don't know what it is about Trace Savoy but me and him don't get along. Sure he is as fit as a butcher's dog, blonde, hung, part Viking but...he had my heckles up. I couldn't stop thinking of him as Mr Burns in The Simpsons. I really, really don't know why. For the record, I don't fancy Mr Burns.

Now Cole Hartman - that is a horse of a different colour. He had me swoony woony in total love with him. I want to have his motor bike riding babies.

Stand out character and a huge well done to Pam Godwin on creating the feisty, no nonsense, grab them by the balls Danni Angelo. I want to be her when I grow up, apart from the heart break stuff and having to put up with arrogant, super twat Trace. I want to be a belly dancer and have the best put down lines for jerks ever.

One woman. The love of her life gone. She attempts to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of her life. Hot air balloon and all.

I awaited for the inevitable, it played out perfectly, and not at all how I expected it to, leaving me breathless and feeling a bit sick!

Best bits:

"In that flicker of time, with something as inconceivable as a look, he claims me, owns me, and ruins me for all others. It's a look so defining it puts quotation marks around mine, his, us, and forever."

"A real kiss is more than the motion of mouths. It's an inspiration. A creation of something unfathomable and timeless."

"The size of your bank account doesn't make you classy. It's the dignity you carry yourself with and the respect you show others. If you have an ugly attitude and belittle those around you, it doesn't matter who designs your suits or how posh your penthouse is."

"I'm comfortable here, lying on the floor in a pool of regret. I've grown addicted to sadness. It's familiar, reliable, effortless."

"Love isn't a choice. Nor is life. We connect, or we don't connect. We live, and we die. There is no forever."

"Where souls touch and dreams swell."

I'm desperate for more Cole and need to study blonde Viking like men so I can rid myself of the image of Mr Burns.