A review by crayondall
The Devil's Diadem by Sara Douglass


When I first started this book, I wasn't sure I was going to like it or if I'd be willing to read through 500 pages. Fortunately, it was a very slow day at the library and there was nothing else immediately grabbing my attention to read.
I loved reading this book and quickly became emotionally invested in all of the characters and couldn't help wondering how a resolution could happen in such a short time. It did and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it, after the slightly slower first few chapters. I believe my hesitancy was related to the complete lack of knowledge as to what the book might be about.
The characters were outstanding. While I didn't always love them or agree with them, I found several of them frustrating on occasion, by the end, I just wanted to spend more time with them.
All in all, it was excellent and I'm glad I took the journey with Maeb, Stephen, Raefe and Edmond.