A review by jamiedwight
Milk Teeth by Jessica Andrews


this was my first Jessica Andrews, and it certainly did not disappoint. having not read saltwater, i didn't know what to expect from her writing, and i can't lie at first i wasn't too sure whether this was going to be the sort of book i enjoyed, but i LOVED it.

the novel follows an unnamed female protagonist as she navigates her way through life living in small rooms, earning shit wages, meeting a boy she adores, but ultimately feeling like she does not deserve any kind of love and is therefore locked in a constant battle with herself. she also struggles with an eating disorder, and Andrews uses the most beautiful, poetic language to craft the emotions that our protagonist is dealing with, and i FELT them.

the story flits between time, as we are taken on a journey through our characters upbringing, but it is definitely easy to follow and doesn't cause confusion. she spends her younger years with her friends trying to conform to beauty standards and their warped perceptions of body image, and thus developing said eating disorder. she grows to feel like she is undeserving of love and struggles to find her place in the world. this is a beautiful story of finding yourself (as cliché as that sounds), and fundamentally loving yourself, and allowing yourself to be happy. so so so amazing and if you haven't read this yet, you're missing out.