A review by samanthapearl
One Woman's Treasure by Jean Copeland


Thank you to Netgalley and Jean Copeland for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

I really enjoyed the beginning and middle of this story. I thought it was well paced with the perfect amount of conflict to keep me hungry for more. Where the story fell short for me was the ending. I felt like the pace totally changed and put in fast forward mode. I feel like the story could of really benefited from the ending being drawn out a little more.

For the most part, I enjoyed the characters. I found Daphne to be an annoying character. She was just a bit too winey for me. Nina was interesting enough. She came with her own set of obstacles and it was good to watch her face them. My favorite character in the whole story was Sophie. Sophie is a side character who really stood out to me and I would of loved to of seen more of her within the book. She was sassy and fun and really added something to the story.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. I recommend it to anyone looking for a good adult f/f romance.

You can find this and all my other reviews at https://fourmoonreviews.blogspot.com