A review by mollymortensen
An Ice Cold Grave by Charlaine Harris


Trigger Warnings: Teen boys are abducted, tortured, and raped, before they're murdered. (Harper is asked what happened to them and she lists the kinds of tortures.)

The beginning really gripped me. She knows how to set up a murder.

Harper and Tolliver are developing as characters. I like them okay. Though I'm sick of all the woe is me, bad childhood stuff. Unfortunately, there's more Harper having feelings for Tolliver BS. I also didn't like how Harper was attacked, then was dealing with her injuries for the whole book.

Manfred is back! I like him. (Not as a love interest) I kind of wish he was Harper's assistant. They'd be a dynamic duo.

I liked the idea of a serial killer but young boys killed so awfully was too much for me.

I disliked the entire part in the cabin. It was boring. And I didn't like the romance. (Or what it did to their relationship.) There were a couple of cute lines but it felt like fan fiction.

Again, the mystery was well done. I didn't see the ending coming. (Harper being kidnapped was scary!)

Based on all of the terrible reviews of the last book, I think I'll stop here.