A review by hannahnana73
Champion by Marie Lu


Have been buddy reading this series with Anne - been so much nicer to share thoughts and theories from another pov esp when the person has different opinions on the book!

My reaction just after finishing - *tears* yep, no one died but ze ending left me in tears

I had to give it a few hours before I could write my thoughts:

The 5 stars already tells it all, but... here we go:

So, the ending acc surprised me - I was definitely expecting Day to die... and was NOT expecting the HEA Marie Lu gave us...

dystopians rarely have happy endings if you hadn't noticed

I mean Day and June - check the spoiler if you've read the short stories between champion and rebel or want to know what happens anyway
Spoiler - get back together and are perfectly fine, Anden DOES date June for a bit but then they realise they're not meant for each other, and also Eden and Tess have a thing - i was like awww when I heard about Eden lol.

In fact everything ended too well - with maybe Day forgetting June for a while being the exception... like he magically escapes from the Colonies airship, Tess survives, Eden survives, June provides the cure, Anden doesn't do anything crazy and the list goes on... not that I'm complaining - I always hope for HEAs... just pleasantly surprised and slightly confused... LIKE NO ONE DIED! (still in shock if u hadn't noticed)...

But other than that I LOVED it - the plot was literally amazing, loved how it was shown that diff govt have their own adv and dis adv with problems coming either way... both characters were well developed imo and had their own stories to tell... I love how we got to see more of Eden and Anden's characters in this book in a deeper way than we did in the other two... I'm excited to read about Eden and Daniel not Day in the next book - wonder what'll happen there... also I thought the idea of Antarctica being this super tech country is pretty cool - chips in the forehead + being controlled by the govt not so much... but u get what I mean...