A review by 5hadow_girl
Portrait of the Psychopath as a Young Woman by Edward Lee, Elizabeth Steffen


I think this one started a little slow for me.
I started reading it two different times before now, and set it down - accidentally forgetting about it.
Ok, maybe that's not quite right. It didn't start slow, necessarily. It didn't start off as Ed Lee. When you're in the mood for depravity, Lee usually just throws you in head-first - no chance to buckle up. [b:Portrait of the Psychopath as a Young Woman|651941|Portrait of the Psychopath as a Young Woman|Edward Lee|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356181982s/651941.jpg|638057] didn't do that, it eased you in.
I started over again yesterday, just finished it, and WOW! As a whole - Holy Shit!! When my brain started firing and putting things together, I wished I could read faster.
The depravity is there, buckets full of it! Mixed with gore, and painfully uncomfortable scenes of torture. It's all surrounded by a story that is as uncomfortable as the torture scenes!
A woman who could be described as a modern day, more feminist (I hate the term, but, roll with me here), version of Dear Abby, is contacted by a killer - a woman who describes her sessions in chilling detail, and adds a little 'proof' that she's not a phony. The detective on the case fucks with her relentlessly, and the wishy-washy love interest tries to be dominant, but someone from her past is the most dominating man in her head.
I'm very impressed with the story now, and I plan to look up Lee's co-author, Elisabeth Steffen.