A review by wyrmdog
JLA, Vol. 1: New World Order by Grant Morrison


After reading this I have come to the conclusion that Morrison is 1 part genius and 1 part hyper-caffeinated squirrel. The story moves at breakneck pace, sometimes losing me in the transitions, but it always comes back around. The topics are almost prescient and it makes for a timeless story. The rest of the run is similar in its willingness to tackle big ideas sometimes one issue at a time. It's not as sweeping and living in the id the way some of Morrison's Action Comics run was, but you can see the seeds of it here.

Single issue and short arc stories are fun and sorely missing in many of today's comics (I appreciated the 2010 Zatanna series in part due to this same element), just be prepared to wrap your head around the compressed storytelling techniques. It's not always appropriate, but it really works well here.

It's full of great villains and great superheroics and does not disappoint as a superhero book.

I'd have rated this higher if I liked the art better. It hasn't aged as well as the writing. I consider this required reading for DC fans, regardless, particularly fans of the Justice League.