A review by ashleylm
The New Bedside, Bathtub and Armchair Companion to Agatha Christie by Dick Riley


Almost aggressively dull. Almost all of it is recapitulation of things the reader would know about already (one imagines this would be read by Agatha Christie fans, not strangers to her work). The interspersed essays are odd, largely recapitulations yet again, and not worth reading.

(Compare to Murder Ink or its sequel for a marvellous example of how to write about crime novels in a way that entices rather than bores).

Normally I think "tastes vary," "art is subjective," but in this case I'm really surprised it has such high rankings in general. Will read them to see what appealed to people. Perhaps it's the thrill of remembering a favourite work without having to do the effort of re-reading it? Like poring over vacation photos. Whatever the reason, it did not work on me.

Note: I have written a novel (not yet published), so now I will suffer pangs of guilt every time I offer less than five stars. In my subjective opinion, the stars suggest:

(5* = one of my all-time favourites, 4* = really enjoyed it, 3* = readable but not thrilling, 2* = actually disappointing, and 1* = hated it. As a statistician I know most books are 3s, but I am biased in my selection and end up mostly with 4s, thank goodness.)