A review by bookph1le
Landline by Rainbow Rowell


Torn about this one. I love Rowell's writing, but I just did not like Neal, which was a shock. One of the things that I love about Rowell's writing and that made me devour her previous three books in rapid succession was my joy at her ability to create male romantic interests that are sweet and worth caring for, rather than the broody bad boy who treats the woman who loves him like crap.

And then Neal. Ouch.

He's definitely the worst male love interest in any of Rowell's books. To be honest, I was hoping Georgie would figure out she was better off without him and sail off into a life of the career fulfillment that Neal seemed to spitefully want to deny her.

In fairness, though, I thought Georgie was rather infantile, so I had trouble getting behind her too, but, really. Neal was miserable from day one, couldn't figure out what the heck he wanted out of his life, and Georgie is the bad guy because she has the audacity to want to stick with a career she loves? It makes me hurt.