A review by spookyoctopusreads
A Bright Enchanted Suffering by Eric LaRocca


The two macabre tales included in this collection are chilling and unique, but they will also tug HARD on those heart strings (especially if you are a parent). Talk about parental nightmares! The impossible situations that the characters were thrust into had me feeling an uneasy anxiousness that was difficult to shake after I closed the last page.

I think one of the things that scared me the most about these stores is that the shocking events within happen right in broad daylight, in crowded areas with countless others milling about, but no one can scream for help for fear of making things exponentially worse. It's absolutely terrifying to think that your child's life can be on the line, help is seemingly all around you, but it's also just out of your reach. Your children aren't safe during the afternoon in the park or during vacation pool time. They're simply not safe anywhere. It's one of those things that we all know in the back of our minds, but then you read something like this and it pushes all of those terror filled feelings into on giant lump in your throat and makes you almost feel nauseous. I don't want to go into too much plot summary here, because well....you just need to go into these stories cold, like I did. Trust me, you will be in for a horrifying and emotional read.

Larocco's writing is engaging, effortless, and inviting. The stories just seemed to flow, so much so that I found myself frantically turning the pages and unable to put the book down. The representation of gay couples in both stories was refreshing and excellently done. I appreciated the #ownvoices touch! This collection is set to release in March 2021, and you do not want to sleep on it. Larocco is one to watch, and definitely going to be one that I need to read more from in the coming year.

**Thank you to Eric LaRocca for providing me with this copy in exchange for an honest review.**