A review by rslove1285
Babe: The Gallant Pig by Dick King-Smith


Spoiler Alert:
Well, this book was just lovely. It does use the word "bitch" to describe Fly at least a few times, which may be troublesome for some readers. If you read it aloud, you could easily edit that out. Also, the middle of the story has a very tense point where the farmer mistakenly believes Babe has killed an ewe and is going to shoot Babe with a rifle. That chapter may be too harsh for young readers. I'm glad I previewed it so I'll be able to deal with that issue with my boys. I do think my boys (ages 9 and 11) will be okay with it. Overall, this is now one of my favorites in children's literature. So glad I read it and can't wait to read it with my boys.