A review by readingcavern
The German Girl by Armando Lucas Correa


An emotional and devastating read that, at the same time as being entertaining and interesting, taught me a whole lot history I did not previously know of. The entire story of St. Louis was something completely foreign to me up until reading this and the more I learnt about it, both through the book and the hours of research I did throughout and after reading (because yes, I was so intrigued I had to stop multiple times to do more research in the topics discussed), the more emotional the read got.

My + and - with the book:

+ I am quite familiar with the Holocaust and wwii history in general, but I am always open to (and quite enjoy) learning about new perspectives and stories that are lesser known - something this book definitely provided me with.
+ It was both entertaining and educational, which is what I believe a historical fiction book should be.
+ I always love a dual timeline and perspective, which I feel like was very well executed in this novel!!

- It was, however, quite slow paced and it felt sort of dragged out sometimes, to the point that I felt it was unnecessary.
- I felt like the characters lacked some emotion to their personality, or at least we was not granted a lot of access to them, which made the story a bit too descriptive for my liking.

To summarise, a well written book based on a tragic and sad event. Very much enjoyed the read - 4.5 stars⭐️