A review by elliemcc11
Live Lagom: Balanced Living, the Swedish Way by Anna Brones


2016 was all about cosiness and the Danish concept of hygge. 2017 and we are introduced to the Swedish concept of Lagom which translates as "in moderation" or "not too much, not too little".

This is a lifestyle book; an introduction to a way of living that is sustainable for us in the home, work, environmentally and health. Descriptions of the concept were interspersed with practical application such as recipes or ideas to try at home.

I love the Swedish fika (coffee break with pastry) and the seemingly relaxed working environments. I applaud the spending the time outdoors and quality time with those that matter. I'm sad I don't have a log cabin in the forest though :/

Beautiful photography throughout and in a readable style made this book interesting but it's the kind of book I'd borrow from a library rather than buy and read again and again.