A review by onebookmore
Ancient Vendetta by Katie Reus


Ancient Vendetta is the fourth book in the Ancients Rising series, and the stakes keep getting higher and higher. The story follows Aurora and King, and I was so excited to read their story! I loved them in the previous books, and I couldn’t wait for their slow-building friendship to turn into something more. It didn’t disappoint. Their story is romantic, suspenseful, dangerous, and lovely.

Enemies new and old threaten Aurora and King, and there are so many heart-pounding moments in the story. Reus continues to develop and expand the post-apocalyptical world, and it’s so intriguing. I love this world where shifters, humans, witches, vampires, and more all coexist. And there are pet dragons!! I love the pet dragons! They are so fun and sweet, and they have the best personalities. It’s so cool to see them grow and mature as the series progresses. I also really like the vision King has for the future of New Orleans.

King is the Alpha of New Orleans, and he is one of my favorite characters in the series. The story delves into King’s past, which is totally not what I expected! This was such an intriguing and, at times, heartbreaking part of the story. and it explained so much about his character. I love King’s strength and determination, as well as his deep understanding of others. He’s sharp and fair, and he has earned the respect of all who live in his territory. King wants to make his territory a better place for everyone, and he will literally give his life to ensure the safety of his people. Plus, the way he feels about Aurora is positively swoon-worthy!!

Aurora is such a fantastic heroine. Caring and kind, Aurora is well-liked by everyone. She has such a wonderful personality and is admired for her willingness to listen and learn, her acceptance of all, her eagerness to help, and her good intentions. She and King have worked so hard to rebuild New Orleans, and I think people have a lot of respect for both of them because of this. However, Aurora has been through a lot and doesn’t realize her own strength. After being held captive for a year, she suffers from PTSD, and she doesn’t know if she’ll ever be ready for love and a relationship. She struggles to forgive herself, but she never gives up hope, especially as her feelings for King come further and further to the surface.

King has been in love with Aurora for a while, but he knows she’s not ready, and he doesn’t push her. I love that King understands Aurora’s needs and never pressures her for more than she’s willing to give. You can tell he really cares about her, and he respects her. This is a woman he wants in his life for the rest of his life, and he never treats her as anything less than an equal deserving of respect and love. And they fit together so well and complement each other perfectly. I think she’s is going to be a great mate for an Alpha like King, and she’s already shown what a great leader she is. Aurora and King have such a swoon-worthy, slow-building friends-to-lovers romance, and is it (literally and figuratively) magical! Oh my word, their chemistry!

There are several other romances in the story that I totally loved, as well as hints of a few other possible love stories that I’m hoping to see in future books in the series. Reus creates such compelling characters and pairs, and I’m always eager to learn more about them and this new world they’re creating. I also really love the found families in the book. The story includes many amazing friendships and relationships, and there are a few new characters introduced, all of whom are connected to King and Aurora, that I’m super curious about.

This is a great addition to the series. It is suspenseful, layered, and romantic, and there are some fun and funny parts too. I would definitely recommend it to readers of paranormal romance, and I’m so thankful to NetGalley and the author for providing me a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.