A review by cymshady
The Christmas Secret by Karen Swan


Okay, Karen Swan. You sure know how to write a damn good book! Romance, deception, mystery, war, WHISKEY, strong female and male characters, and a beautiful setting. I loved that Alex was a high-profile consultant who worked with CEOs of major companies - bad ass. Her little side story with her PA Louise was also very sweet :) Lochie's character progression (along with the progression of his cousins/uncle) was on point for this romance and tbh I was also falling in love with him by the end!
Having the story surround a whiskey distillery was fun and it was interesting to learn a bit about the process - it also played in to the portion of the book surrounding WWI. What you think is one thing from the epilogue to finding out the truth of the WWI portion was exceptionally heartbreaking.
4 stars for this holiday romance. I cannot wait to pick up another Swan book because I truly find joy in her work.