A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
Harry Potter Series Box Set by J.K. Rowling


What an epic reading journey did i experienced.

I spended my summer of 2021 reading the whole Harry Potter series. It felt like if I was on vacation in the magical Hogwarts castle and just returned in the real world with an massive jet lag.
I absolutely loved the entire series. Harry potter played a huge role in my childhood. It made me realise how fast the time goes without us noticing it.
The storyline is amazing ,but all the small details that the entire series contain amazed me even more.

*An vanishing cabinet
*How Ron’s pet rat Scabbers turned out to be Peter Pettigrew.
*How Professor Trelawney correctly predicts that Dumbledore will be the first person to die.

*The sad background of Neville added a lot of details. He is a bit of the anti-hero, but really brave when it comes to protecting his friends.

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends"

*Screaming mandrake plants (loved them so much), that I ended up with a replica in my home…
*The cute and ''fluffy'' dangerous creatures from Hagrid. They added a lot of humoristic elements that made me laugh.
*The important rol of Mrs. Figg.

I think that J.K Rowling put everything so well together. She sparked a huge imagination in her readers their minds.

All characters in the series played their own unique role. The evilness of professor Umbridge. The humour from the Weasley twins. Rita Skeeter the gossip loving journalist.

But my favourite characters where:
The moody Kreacher who made me laugh all the time.
‘’Harry Potter, the boy who stopped the Dark Lord. Friend of Mudbloods and blood-traitors alike. If my poor mistress only knew...’’

And Harry his loyal friend Dobby. His attempts often caused more harm than he intended but that charmed him very well.
‘’You shall not harm Harry Potter’’

And Snape in my point of view one of the most important characters in the entire series. His character turned out to be really surprising in the end.

I think that the Harry potter series are very suitable for young and old and i would highly recommend them.