A review by christajls
The Woefield Poultry Collective by Susan Juby


This review can also be found on my blog Christa's Hooked on Books --> http://christashookedonbooks.blogspot.com

Prudence is full of great ideas. New York City just hasn't provided the best atmosphere for some of her more ambitious environmental projects. Just when she needs it, however, a second chance comes to her in the form of her recently deceased uncle's farm on Vancouver Island. Full of hope and plans she heads off to Woefield Farm only to discover that it's acres of scrub land, with nothing but one half sheared sheep and the bank is talking about foreclosure. Though not the idyllic country life she had in mind Prudence is no less determined to make Woefield Farm a success. Her first step is to assemble a team (assemble here is a loose term which means “to take whatever help that falls into your lap”) made up of Ed, her uncle's old banjo playing, incredibly grumpy farm hand, Seth the alcoholic, heavy metal blogger from across the street and Sara, an eleven year old member of the Poultry Appreciation Club. A motley crew to be sure, but together they all pitch in an try to keep Woefield going.

Of all the wonderful characters in this book I found Ed and Sara to be the most charming and relatable. I found them both scrappy and resilient, despite the family problems they're coping with. Sara in particular, frequently made me smile. At only eleven years old she has more determination than I do now at twenty two. I also found myself wishing there was a Poultry Appreciation Club in my town when I was younger! All the characters were great and they had great chemistry despite their differences.

I also want to give Juby credit for the setting. Sometimes author's really over-do it when their story takes place in a small town. As someone who is from a small town I really appreciate when we're not represented as backwaters, oblivious hicks. Susan Juby did a great job of describing the quirks of small town people without giving in to those common stereotypes.

This book was a lot of fun to read. I find when I pick up books that take place in Canadian rural small towns, they're often heavy handed and a little depressing. That's sort of what I expected when I started this book. Instead I got some hilarious characters, taking part in some memorable moments, in a charming setting. It was very light but at the same time had some strong moral themes and idea which kept it from being flaky. Though not a serious book by any means this was still a wonderful and thoughtful read.