A review by narflet
Jack of Fables, Vol. 3: The Bad Prince by Bill Willingham


Jack continues to be an unlikeable bumface, and the best bits are still the Gary/Kevin parts which carry on what was started in Fables. When Kevin first cropped up in Fables it looked like it was going to rehash the earlier reporter story, and it's a pleasant surprise in this arc that it's actually not.

It was mildly satisfying to learn that Jack is the copy, but the story seemed to contradict itself. Jack says he remembers charming his way out of the afterlife, even though that was John, and then in the next issue when we're shown John charming his way out Jack says 'I don't remember this part'.

Anyway, I shall continue to read this because I must because I know it'll all tie into the crossover (and already seems to be tying in), although it's a bit of a chore. Fables didn't start very well, but it has certainly improved at the point I'm at now and I've got to like it. The Jack series, however, seems to have gone right back to the weak Fables-like start. Why was it decided that Jack should get a spin-off series? Or was it just that he's a front and the story with Gary and Kevin and their family that is emerging is the real story in this title? One can only hope.