A review by lizanneyoung
Uglies: Cutters by Scott Westerfeld, Devin Grayson, Steven Cummings


Like the first graphic novel, Cutters follows Shay’s story during one of the main books. This time we get to see her side of the events of Pretties, the second book in the series. The second Uglies graphic novel structures itself like a fairy tale story. Each line of the fairy tale is revealed as we hit a different plot point in Shay’s life in New Pretty Town. 

The anger in Shay is so present. It’s clear that, despite liking her friend Tally, there will always be a bit of resentment. A bit of anger in how the events of their life play out and how Tally’s involved with that. And also the underlying concern that, if Shay is open about her relationship, it will somehow be taken away from her by Tally. Shay is also more rebellious, being more critical of the government now.

I can’t blame her for that resentment. For someone that is supposed to be her friend, Tally keeps a lot of secrets, things that Shay would agree with and want to be a part of, all because Tally would rather share it with the guy in her life at that moment. It’s both reflective of how teenage relationships and friendships can be while adding depth to both characters because we are seeing them from the opposite perspective. I wish these continued, because seeing how this changes once they are both Specials would add so much to the story. 

Once again, the artwork is beautiful and I particularly love the fairy tale panels, where we see Shay as a “ranger” and Tally as a “princess.”