A review by runoutofpages
Once Upon a Crime by P.J. Brackston


I’m always down for a fun twist on a classic fairytale and Once Upon a Crime didn’t let me down. After surviving the witch in the woods and growing up Gretel runs a successful private detective business, while her brother Hansel does the cooking (and drinking)! I really enjoyed how Gretel was portrayed. She doesn’t have the standard fairytale heroine personality, this Gretel is feisty, witty, has a killer fashion sense, and loves good food and napping. I thought her quick thinking and humor throughout the book was refreshing and her interactions with the other characters kept me laughing (especially the scenes with the troll).

I loved that the characters in this novel didn’t always turn out to be who you thought they would at first glance. The most beautiful character wasn’t necessary the hero of the story and a monster might turn out to be a gentle giant. I’m excited to see what crazy adventures are next for Gretel and Hansel!