A review by nightresplendent
Call of the Curlew by Elizabeth Brooks


Call of the Curlew is the debut novel of Elizabeth Brooks and it is simply wonderful. I've been struggling to find the motivation to read recently and this book has given me the kick start I needed. I picked it up this morning and finished it in time for lunch.

It tells the story of Virginia Wrathmell, both as a newly adopted 10 year old at the beginning of World War Two and as an 87 year old woman looking back on the event in 1940 that changed her life forever.

I know a lot of people don't like books that jump between times, but the author has written this wonderfully. She has used this method to slowly give the reader just enough information to keep us hooked.

Without giving away spoilers, the book has quite an ambiguous ending that I feel fits very well with the overall air of mystery. I like that even now I'm left guessing.

A quick search for the authour has informed me that she has signed a 2 book deal with Transworld and already I'm looking forward to whatever she comes up with!

Many thanks to the publisher for sending me a free copy of Call of the Curlew.