A review by adi_greif
1632 by Eric Flint


I rated the book 3 stars because it was a fun read and because it's interesting to see the perspective of an author purposefully trying to promote hillbilly America. I was more interested in the author's depiction of what Americans should value than in the plot. The book is an exercise in self-glorification --- American values and hillbilly know-how are capable of achieving anything! And when transplanted to the Thirty Years War, certainly capable of successful evangelizing the Bill of Rights. The author has clearly never spent any time with someone who truly holds onto beliefs different from his own. I especially love the extremely sheltered and modestly-raised Jewish girl from 1632 who happily falls in love with an American Christian and promptly starts making out with him in public. There are also serious inconsistencies between the values the leaders purportedly hold, and their actions. But to reiterate, this book is a great read for seeing the perspective of small-town America on violence, democracy, religion and women.