A review by mostlyreadinghorror
Wasps in the Ice Cream by Tim McGregor


5 Stars for this heartfelt coming-of-age story.

Schools out for Summer, Mark and his buddies spend their days trying to find something to do in their small sleepy town. What is the saying, "boys will be boys", the heat induced boredom pushed the boys to play a cruel prank on the town outcasts.

The Farrow sisters don't go to school with the other kids, they spend their days locked in a creepy house with their weird parents crafting spells. George, one of the Farrow sisters, eventually forms an unlikely friendship with Mark and they find themselves completely absorbed into each others orbits. But the Farrows have a weird history in this town, Mark's friends and family don't support this friendship and slowly things start to take a turn for the worse leading to a catastrophic end.

I enjoyed this coming of age story so much, it really captured the essence of the 80's with pop culture references. This was not a horror story which was a bit surprising to me I was under the impression that this was a horror story. The are some dark twists at the end which was shocking. The character development was very well done; I found Mark to be a charming endearing kid that was written very realistically. I also enjoyed his character arc by the end of the story.

I got serious "We Have Always Lived in the House" vibes and would highly recommend this as a Summer read. I would highly recommend this book for fans of coming of age stories with well fleshed out characters. Thanks to #netgalley and the publisher for an ALC in exchange for my honest feedback.