A review by raven168
Lost Princess by Dani-Lyn Alexander


3.5 stars
I really want to give this book a higher rating because after about half way thru or so, the story got really good. But the thing that just can't let me give it 4 stars was Ryleigh. She was so aggravating for so much of the story. I understand her reasons for most of her decisions, I really do. But that doesn't mean that it didn't tick me off. I just felt like she was being such a spoiled, selfish brat. And it was mostly Jackson that suffered for it. Even when she took charge of things, she was constantly whining about it and wanting Jackson back mostly so that she could put it all on him and run away to go back to the human realm.

I felt really bad for Jackson many times here. He wasn't exactly ready to rule the kingdom and without Ryleigh by his side he's distracted and unable to do what is all required of him. I did like seeing when his temper got the best of him though. It just made him seem that much more realistic.

Mia undoubtedly has gotten stronger. But even so it really seems like Ryleigh can't stop treating her like a child. Which, if I were Mia, would kind of bug me. Isn't she, like, 16 now? Sometimes it seemed more like she was 10 with the way she was treated.

Ryleigh and Mia have been staying in the human realm and Ryleigh seems content to stay there for as long as she can/wants. While all Jackson can think about is her and how he needs her by his side. When something happens where she's staying, she has no choice but to go back to Cymmera with him though. Things are not peaceful there for long. When something goes missing from Ryleigh's rooms and she's sent to retrieve it on her own, everything falls into place for the bad guys. Ryleigh is ill prepared for what happens to her, but she eventually finds a companion that was pretty freakin' cool. While she was missing, Jackson was trying to decide what's most important for him to do. And in doing so could have easily lost everything. Things go from bad to worse for him, but it also leads to him finally acknowledging what was given to him by his father to make him the best king he could be. Things most definitely seem hopeless to him at a point, but Ryleigh has finally decided to step into her role as queen and take charge to rescue him and Mia who was also taken. It's hard for her to ignore all the things clearly marking her as their queen when they all seem to fall into place. And I was thrilled that by the end she finally accepts this and decides to stay there with Jackson.

It was painfully obvious to the reader who the traitor was, so it was frustrating when nobody realized it. Especially when Jackson even would have suspicious thoughts just to easily dismiss them. But at the same time, it's easy to see how those close could be so blind to it.

Jackson does something incredibly stupid at the very end that I don't quite get why it was in the story. There was no way at all that it could have gone well for him and, to me, it didn't really add anything to the story. Especially when it could have gone so wrong. But we do know where the story is going to be leading and I am looking forward to getting more.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.