A review by gabbyreads
Love in Rewind by Tali Alexander


The author sent me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Unfortunately this book just wasn't for me. This book has every cliche thing that I dislike in new adult novels. The girl is a virgin and she spends her life being unnoticed by men, but yet she is so unbelievavbly beautiful in the eyes of a rich and succesful businessman. A man who is a total player and never wants to be tied down but of course he suddenly falls in love with an eighteen year old virgin and within 2 days of being with her he decides he doesn't ever want to live a life without her. It's just so unrealistic. He is close to 30 years old and she is 18. Age gaps have never been a problem for me, but it's the way Louis talks to her that gives me the creeps. He calls her little girl all the time. It's his pet name for her, and I found it so creepy and disgusting. Every time he called her "little girl" I was just like:

Emily is 18 years old, but her voice as a narrator sounds closer to 13. She is always overexaggerating and I rolled my eyes at her inner thoughts all the time. She says things like this: "Oh. My. God. Louis agreed to have coffe with me!" I don't know if I'm just nit-picking here but I can't stand her voice in this book. Also, she is always referring to Louis as Mr. Drop Dead Gorgeous, or Mr. Drunk and Sexy or Mr. Sexy Event Coordinator or whatever the fuck. It's so fucking annoying and juvenile for her to keep talking about him in this way. I couldn't stand it.

Can we also discuss how ridiculous their first time meeting each other was? The first thing he ever says to her is: "Are you trying to make me come in my pants in front of all of my clients little girl?" Like what the fuck??? What a creeper. Then the second thing he says is: "I've been jerking off to the vision of your tits in that white tank top for the last two weeks." Then after this fucking ridiculous scene, we are expected to believe this was "love at first sight" and not lust at first sight. They are literally only together for two days before he decides he's in love with her and he doesn't even know anything about her. He doesn't ask her any questions about her life and he doesn't seem to care about anything unless it has to do with getting her naked.

The insta-love is so present in this book and it's insane.
By the end of their second day together he's saying he loves her, then after the third week of being together he wants to get married and after four weeks together he buys her a ferrari like what the fuck?
I didn't ike Emily as a main character at all and Louis is disgusting. He's the typical controlling Christian Grey-like douche bag of a character that I can't stand. I don't understand how I am supposed to be attracted to him. He's so manipulative and controlling, he says things like: "First of all you are never wearing that white tank top in the prescence of others again. You don't need a job, I can give you whatever you want. Second, call your parents and tell them you're staying at a friend's house." Who the fuck does he think he is? They've spent less than 48 hours together and he thinks he has the right to tell her what she's allowed to wear in front of other people and tell her she doens't need a job. It's fucking insanity. It's just so unrealistic that a guy like him would spend less than two days with an eighteen year old girl and suddenly fall so "head over heels" for her that he can't possibly go on without her even though he know remotely nothing about her.

Overall, this book just wasn't my cup of tea. I spent most of the time cringing or rolling my eyes. The inta-love is just one of many things that bothered me about this book. I didn't like Louis at all and I never felt attracted to his character at any point in this book, he mostly gave me creeper vibes and the way he called her "little girl" all the time freaked me the fuck out. That shit is not cute, especially because of the significant age gap, it just made it worse. Maybe if you are a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey then you'll enjoy this book more than I did, but I really don't care for the alpha male controlling creepy douche bag male characters that I'm supposed to be attracted to just because they are "sexy" and rich. I don't get it.