A review by thatlizhunter
A Tale of Two Princes by Eric Geron


not sure why for a book about Canadian princes, we spent 80% of the book in NYC

this is a prince and a pauper mix-up, except it's actual twin princes who were accidentally separated at birth. Billy grew up in Montana, coming out, losing his dad and developing a love for music. He's comfortable with his sexuality, uneasy about his high-school relationship and torn between his duty to his family ranch and aching dreams to live somewehre else.

Edward grew up ready to ascend to the Maple Crown. He's charming, sure of his place in the world, and hiding a massive secret - he's gay. So when the world discovers his twin brother and his twin comes out as gay, he feels sidelined. Not to mention, he's no longer the heir apparent, because his twin is slightly older than him.

And there's the story for you. Was it far fetched and ridiculously cheesy? yes
did i read the whole book? yes

if you want to turn your brain off and eye-roll at a maple syrup reference every other page, then this is an okay read. Don't expect much reality when it comes to why in the world there's a Canadian monarchy or the ethics or real-life implications of monarchy. Keep in mind, it's very very YA - the romance, the hijinks, and the storytelling is for younger readers.