A review by fadingapple
The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid


I really wanted to love this and while I did like it, I definitely didn't love it. I didn't feel like I had enough background in the beginning to really understand what was happening or why I should care, other than the government was taking a girl from a village like they do every few years. It took a long time for me to understand what was happening and why and by then, it was far enough into the plot that it was hard to be fully invested. 

The romance felt like an after thought as well - I didn't really, fully buy into their love story. And then there were some inconsistencies..."I'll never be able to shoot a bow again" but a few pages later is hunting with a bow...I get there was magic involved but that didn't feel like a gap bridged. He's a terrible hunter but then he can fight, and the only explanation is along the lines of "gone was the poor woodsman"...again, I could have missed it but this just felt like a forced change to make plot work. 

Overall I thin it was a great concept and super interesting world, but I think it was lacking depth where it was needed to really make it feel cohesive and believable, and to make me fully invested from the start. Not bad, but not great either.