A review by nickikendall
The Joy of Reading by Teri Lesesne, Donalyn Miller

informative inspiring reflective relaxing


Thanks to #netgalley for the ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. Disclaimer: I am always drawn to books about reading/bookish people or bookish loving looking books, this was one of those books I was drawn to just by the cover and the title, I didn't even read what it was about I just dove straight into it. This book  was meant to be a guide teachers, librarians, school administrators, and caregivers who love reading, to help them find a way to encourage a love of reading in children. 
 From the book's blurb 
 "Now consider: When talking with children about their reading lives at school, are you likely to hear about this transformative reading joy? Or are you more likely to hear about reading logs, book reports, and standardized tests? For too many young readers, reading is joyless. It is something that is required of them, but not something that they choose to do. 
Here's the truth: It is possible to teach children how to read well without killing their love for reading in the process."
When I was reading this book I found it to also serve as a reminder as to why those of us who already have a love of and find joy in reading, love books so much. It was such an interesting read and sent me on my own trips down memory lane of some of the books I have read through different stages of my life and how they have impacted and shaped me into the reader I am today. This book could even serve as a great starting point for adults who aren't particularly fond of reading to encourage them to also try reading for joy. As a schoolgirl one of my greatest joys was when the Scholastic Bus would arrive at my school and I could collect the books I had saved up my pocket money to buy. Reading this delightful and informative book was a great reaffirming read of why I have and always will continue to find such joy, comfort and calm when reading. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ #thejoyofreading #donalynmiller #teri s lesense #netgalley #tea_sipping_bookworm #goodreads #litsy #thestorygraph #bookqueen #bookstagram #amazonkindle #amazonaustralia