A review by minimicropup
Privacy by Nina Sadowsky

Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
For me the writing style here was too shallow and simplistic. Kind of as engaging as reading a list instead of a story. It was both too objective (just telling us things that happened, basic locations/layouts of settings, telling us how characters feel) and too melodramatic (the repetitive “can I trust Cal” internal monologue and the dialogues between her and Cal, Cal trying to get interviews). 

Plot-wise, I was waiting for suspense from the patients being stalked, threats, puzzle solving together with Cal and Laina, red herrings for who might be attacking her practice. We get SO little of that. Instead it was largely about Laina working through her feelings on relationships and getting to know Cal. Lots of telling, not showing too. I think this is more of a contemporary romance (can-I-trust-them, enemies-to-lovers) with a bit of darkness. 

On a personal note, I hate descriptions of cancer and cancer treatments and we had lots of that here. It  makes me so anxious, almost paranoid. It’s sprinkled throughout and it was hard for me to predict or skim through it because of that. The synopsis indicates we can expect a focus on patients working through mental health issues, not medical oncology ones. 

I skimmed through to the end and although the twist is there and okay, I was glad I decided to move past the middle parts to get there. 

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