A review by girlinthepages
Heartbreak For Hire by Sonia Hartl


I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Heartbreak for Hire has a really unique yet bizarre premise: a company of women who are hired to exact revenge on men who have wronged women. It's a little crazy to wrap your head around at first, but once you adequately suspend your disbelief it's intriguing to see how such a company would operate and the moral/ethical questions it poses. The story follows protagonist Brinkley, secret artist and failed (at least in her mother's eyes) academic who thinks she is healing her own heart through the work she is doing to take down men with "egos" for the company.

Since this is a romance novel, it's no surprise that Brinkley ends up in a tangled romantic situation with a former target turned coworker, who of course is deeply immersed in the academic life that she's spent so many years running away from. Of course, Brinkley ends up having to train him at work, which leads to several high tension situations and your classic hate to love romance trope.

While Heartbreak for Hire was a quick read, it's not one that I see sticking with me long term. There were a lot of characters brought up only to not have their stories run very deep, and I think there were several issues that needed to be explored more in depth (Brinkley and her mother's relationship, Margo's motivations, the relationship traumas that brought the other women to H4H as employees, etc.). Also, the amount of cringe-inducing bad luck Brinkley experienced was tiring after a while. I did think Mark, the love interest, was written well, but overall neither of the main characters are ones that significantly stand out in the sea of romance novels available today.

Overall: A very unique premise that could have used more exploration and more memorable characters. Overall it's an OK read that is for sure fun and interesting, but isn't a standout for me.