A review by bookswithemily
The Last Snow by Stina Jackson


I enjoyed reading this book about Liv and her strange family. It was interesting to read about her life and how she lives. Vidar was probably the most disliked character in this book because of the way he took Liv’s freedom from her. She is determined not to be like that with her son Simon. However, living on a farm in the middle of nowhere means she is worried that he doesn’t have any friends. This is another downside of her not being able to leave the farm.

It was good that the book went back to 1998 and then went back into present day. It set the scene of this family from an early start. Their strange ways have been going on for a while. From the first chapter which went back to 1998, I could tell that Liv was a rebellious child which made her father even more protective. This then led her to obey him and never leave the family home.

We got to hear mostly in the perspective of Liv and sometimes in the perspective of Liam Lilja. He spoke about him and his brother, Gabriel, who are local drug dealers. I found it confusing why we were reading about these characters but then it made sense as they became more involved. The storyline was very unique and interesting. I was always left wondering what’s the ending was going to be. I feel like each character got what they deserve, mostly.

It was easy to imagine the scenery of Ödesmark because the descriptions were so detailed. The author done an amazing job at s describing both the scenery and the characters. It made is even better that it was snowing where I love as I was finishing it off. The characters were so detailed and complex. Especially Liv, I feel like she has a lot of underlying issues because of her father. I felt like I got to know the characters easily and understand them. They were enjoyable to read about.

I don’t think I’ve ever read a book which has been set in Sweden and has been translated from Swedish. It was translated perfectly.