A review by kitvaria_sarene
The Outsorcerer's Apprentice by Tom Holt


First of - this is not a book for everybody.
If you love silly, crazy and over the top humor - then go for it! You'll love it as much as me! If you don't - keep clear of this one...

Scenes like this one, made me absolutely fall in love with the book:
“In order to fulfill your quest -"
"Would you please not use that word? It's so Robert E. Howard."
"Fine. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to travel to the far ends of the earth...?"
"What? In these shoes? You must be joking."
"Crossing arid desserts and steaming jungles," the unicorn continued grimly, "fording mighty rivers and climbing snow-capped mountains-"
"I take it scheduled public transport isn't an option."
"Until you reach the Cradle of All Goblins, interrupt just once more and I wash my hooves of you, where you will encounter three trials. You must uncover the great truth that was hidden, you must right the ancestral wrong, and you must throw the fire into the ring of power. Only when you have done that -"
"Excuse me-"
"I warned you. Only when you have done that will you -"
"Excuse me," Benny said firmly, "but I think you may have got the last one a bit turned round. Surely it should be throw the ring-”

If you enjoy such silliness, this is the right book for you. If you are looking for "serious epic fantasy" or something of the like - just back of slowly :P

Holt combines a magical fairytale with economics, lots and lots of humor and perfectly crazy characters.

Just my cup of tea!