A review by jlbooks
The Stolen Kingdom by Jillian Boehme


The stolen kingdom

The Stolen Kingdom is a lovely fantasy tale. Written in duel points of view between Maralyth, a vinter’s daughter that dabbles in a secret magic that mysteriously keep her father’s vines and grapes plump and hearty; and Alac, the second, mostly ignored, Thungrave prince, who dreams of wine and having the freedom to pursue a life outside of the castle and the cursed “stolen magic” that comes with his royal surname.

Maralyth is kidnapped and given information in regards to her lineage that sets her on a path she never would’ve imagined her life going towards. She accepts her fate and all is well until she meets the royal family, specifically, Prince Alac, and things begin to crumble…mostly the walls around her heart. Can she stand firm with her duties and she the plans through or will she fail, not only jeopardizing her life but the lives of her family members back at the vineyard?

This book is full of everything a fantasy tale should have: lies/deceit, kingdoms, magic, treasonous plots, love, hate, and wine - never enough wine!

The author’s ability to paint the characters so meticulously reminds me of authors like Sarah J Maas, Jennifer Armentrout, and Stephanie Garber, to name a few. This stand-alone tale leaves you longing for more of the story, the characters, and the overall feeling of being a part of this world.