A review by julie_reads15
Lies I Told by Michelle Zink


'Lies I Told' by Michelle Zink is a suspense novel and is the first book in the 'Lies I Told' duology.
16-year-old Grace Fontaine was adopted into a family of thieves when she was just a child. Grace and her family are constantly moving to different towns, taking on new identities, and forming friendships with their 'marks' in order to easily steal from them. The Fontaine family has recently moved to Playa Hermosa, a peninsula near Los Angeles, to conduct their biggest heist yet. The Fairchild family are rumoured to have a large stash of gold hiding somewhere on their property.
Grace's mark is Logan, the son of the wealthy Fairchilds. She needs to get close to him in order to find the stash of gold. She doesn't expect to fall in love with him. She's conflicted between her love for her parents and her love for Logan.
Grace is breaking all the rules she's learned. Playa Hermosa might be the Fontaine's last con if they don't play their cards right.
There was a lot of romance for a suspense novel. The suspense was extremely slow. There wasn't enough action until the climax.
I didn't like the insta-love between Grace and Logan. They fell for each other way too quickly. However, I thought the romance between them was cute.
Logan was too perfect. He didn't have any flaws. This made him a little unrealistic.
Although Rachel was made out to be the villain, I liked how she was protective of her friends and looked out for them.
I liked Grace and Parker's strong sibling relationship. They always looked out for each other.
I felt sorry for Grace and Parker and the tough situation Cormac and Renee (their adoptive parents) put them in. They were forced to choose between their adoptive parents and their newfound friends.
For an experienced con artist, Grace made some stupid mistakes. The con started unraveling due to a stupid mistake she made. I wish the con had unraveled in a different way.
I thought Cormac and Renee were horrible parents. It was wrong of them to take advantage of Grace and Parker - two children who just wanted a normal loving foster family. It was also wrong of them to make them do most of the work in their cons.
The next and final book in the duology is 'Promises I Made.'
I recommend this book for anyone who's 15 years and older and wants to read a romance with mild suspense.