A review by momentum262
Paw and Order by Diane Kelly


The jury is still out on if I actually enjoy this series. Sometimes the main character is a little too crass for me, but I also haven't experienced anyone with her personality before in writing, so it maybe grow to be something I don't mind. It could also be the audiobook narrator influencing my opinion too, since her inflections/tone help define the character and may not be the way I would have read it in my head. Brigit, the police dog's, narration is sometimes a little bratty, if a dog can sound bratty. Again, part of me things it's the narrator and not the words themselves, but it's near impossible to separate the two when listening. Overall, I'll probably give the third book a try and make up my mind from there on if I continue the series. They are quick listens/reads, so giving it another shot isn't a huge commitment.